Monkeypox Virus 2022
What is monkeypox? Is it any disease? If yes,So what is this and when or how it's spreading? HUMAN MONKEYPOX Corona pandemic is not totally remove in the world yet now, While a new epidemic gradually break out on the world which called Monkeypox. Although, This Epidemic has been established in many parts of central and western country of Africa before a long time.But, Now ,This virus is spreading gradually in the world. The first case of monkeypox virus has been confirmed in 7th May, 2022, when a person come to United Kingdom from Nigeria.After that, Two or more cases have been confirmed in England. Although,There is no case has been found in India yet now.After tracing the speed of this virus,The World Health Organization ( WHO) confirmed monkeypox virus as a global outbreak what can affect the people on global level. According to Statics, There are around 7,500 cases have been filed in the World. Why We Called It Monkeypox Virus? ...