Sustainability is the need of present time. It's a thought about presentgeneration and future generations.To deal with their needs, feelings, emotionsand to save nature, rights ans sustainable atmosphere for their futuregenerations.There was no need to think about the concept of Sustainability or sustainabledevelopment in ancient era, because everything was balanced and limited.But,In present time,There is a need of every person to think rationally formaintaining the environmental balance, social equality, goodproduction and global consumption as well as maintenance the peace on theearth.Human is considered an intelligence creatures in all over species.But,This isreality also that human is intelligence only for their selfishness. Theselfishness is the reason of today's unbalanced and destruct earth.Human isengaging frequently in harrassing the nature,species, rights and humanity.Thisis the reason that inequality, injustice, environmental unbalance anddiscrimination are increasing rapidly.On the one hand, government and socialactivist try to maintain balance between cast, gender and race.On the otherhand, Human is himself snitching one another's right and maintaindiscrimination between the societies.Other specific reason for,that the goalsof sustainable development is not achieve, that is war, strike, revolution andcorruption.War can never give real victory.Although, Every country have a dream of sustainable development and they aredoing everything what they can do.But It can be completely possible when humanfeel and understand their responsibility for the earth and all herhabitants,and if human can't control on their absurd needs and desires,thenatleast-
"When you go,please leave the earth as it was at the time of your birth."
Instagram:- @kiziefull
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