Here,I will give a short introduction about the importance of culture and cultural diversity in India.

A child comes on the earth with a new soul, new face and a new form of his parents' culture.Human is the body of a society and society is the body of a culture.Culture is the human way of living, Eating, Dressing and way of speaking with different languages. 

Diversity is the variety of varies species, languages, cultures, religions and traditions. In Indian context, There are wide diversity of culture, religious,castes and languages.India is a prosperous country because of his varies culture. By the Ancient era, Many cultures are find here like Bengoli Culture, South or Northern Indian culture, Maharashtrian Culture etc.

In language context,Many types of the languages and their dialects are used in India like Bengoli, Kannada,Hindi, English,Urdu, Punjabi etc. And 22 languages are recognised in Indian constitution and English is the global languages in the world. Every community follow their culture  and  pass on to the next generations in own languages.Their languages is the face and symbols of their community, Cultures and traditions.

In Dressing context,Every community has their own dressing manner. Generally Indian culture has a system that women wear Saree and Men wear Kurta and Dhoti.But,In a particular state, People wear their culture recognised clothes like Punjabi men wear Kurta pajama and pagdi, Women and girls wear Kurta Salwar.Bengoli wear saree ( Garad) and Kurta Dhoti. Rajasthani wear Dhoti and Angarkha and Ghagra and Although, After Colonization, People are attracted towards the Western clothes.Still, Indian people are wear their cultural clothes in their festivals and other religious programs.

In Festival Context, people follow their festivals which are recognised by their past generations. A Community celebrate their festivals with their culture rules.Every states of India have their own festivals like Uttarakhand's people celebrate Harela, Basant Panchami,Diwali,Holi. Although, Diwali and Holi are celebrated mostly on every places.Maharashtra, Gujarat's  peoples celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi.They are all Hindu festival which are mostly celebrated on maximum places in India.Id is the festival of Muslims which are also celebrated in a wide area of India.

So,There is huge area of Indian Culture.We can't explain it in few words. Because,Any culture is not started only a point,in fact,it started after many struggles and  there is a long history behind it.These cultures have their own importance as well as need to the people are recognised by their culture.Their culture is their identity and existence.A human being can't survive without any culture.
  "Culture is the soul and body of Human." 

Thankyou for reading this.I have written mostly things which are important and stay in my mind.If you have some query so you can comment.
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