Here,I will give some brief introduction about the Global Warming.What is Global Warming, Its cause, Impact and some points for save the earth from the global warming.

The tension of Global warming are increasing everyday. The situation, to frequently increasing the temperature of the earth and its impact on weather due to high temperature, called Global warming.

Global warming are directly affecting to our planet,her balanced structure, atmosphere, Weather,plants,mountains and everything whatever are available on the it's totally affecting to the life cycle of all species.Global warming are increasing due to the over use of Chemicals, and their dispensation in the  atmosphere.This is also the reason of 'Green House Effect' which are frequently increasing the global warming.

                    CAUSES OF GLOBAL WARMING

There are many anthropogenic causes of global warming.Which are as follows:

1- Over Deforestation

Forests have a power to make beautiful and moderate to the earth.But over exploitation of trees are reducing the power of  forests which are affecting weather, components and even human being.Human are totally responsible for these kinds of crimes,They removing the forests for industrialisation, Exportation and for completing own needs.That's why over deforestation is the reason of Global warming.


Industrialization is the main cause of Global warming.Lots of poisonous and harmful gases as well as materials are used there and delivered in environment,which are the reason of over high temperature of the earth.As well as, Rubber, plastics and polythene bags are burnt there and those smokes and energy come out from that,proved too harmful for the earth and inhabitants.

3- Ozone Depletion

Ozone is the protective sheild of the earth. Ozone protect the earth from the Ultra Violet Rays which are rise from the sun.But,It considered by the scientists that ozone layer have a big hole due to human exploitative activities.Now,the poisonous ultraviolet rays frequently coming to the earth and that rays are still in the earth and not going back.By Green House effect are occurred which is the reason of Global Warming.

4- Plethora Of Transports

In present era, only transports are going to make the reason of walking here and there. People use auto and rickshaw for a little distance. Everyone has own vehicle which are the major reason of plurality of transport.Gas emission is the reason of Frequently rising temperature and there gases are emitted from bus,trucks,cars etc.

5- Emission of Chlorofluorocarbon

People are using many things,In which Chlorofluorocarbon are used like Refrigerators,Perfume etc.Chlorofluro carbons is very harmful for us and reason of ozone depletion.Still, We can find it in every home and industry.That's why these things are the reason of global warming.

Although,there are many cause of global warming.Still, there are some major reason which have discussed.

                   IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING

Global warming is becoming a challenge for the world.Because,It's effect to everything or everyone, directly or indirectly.There are some factors which are strongly effected from the global warming:

1- Increasing Sea Level

Due to rising temperature or Global Warming, Glaciers are melting by which Sea level are frequently increasing and fresh water are gradually decreasing.

2- Loss Of Spices

The micro organisms which can survive in cool place, Can't able to survive in suddenly happened temperature changing.After suffered many, finally they loss their life.So global warming is majorly effected to species.

3-Rising Diseases 

There are many diseases are increasing like skin problem such as Cancer, and many other Diseases like  Malaria etc. which have no permanent solution. These disease are effected human's life very strongly.

4-Melting Glaciers

Many glaciers have melted so far and many glaciers are gradually melting due to high temperature. That's why the sources of fresh water are gradually decrease. 


The Earth is the only planet on which life is possible.But After many Destruction,to survive on the earth is becoming more hardly. Still,we can gradually save and maintain the earth again by following some awareness:

1-People must have to understand their responsibility towards the earth.They should have to aware about the role of nature and other species in their life.

2- People should stop over use of vehicles, Refrigerators,Air Conditioner, Perfumes and other things which are increasing global warming and green house effect.

3- People must understand the value of forests.Without tress species can't survive on the earth because they are the single source of oxygen.

4- People should stop over industrialization and specifically should reduce the harmful elements from the producing product like poisonous gases,chemicals etc.


Thankyou for reading this.I have written mostly things which are important and stay in my mind.If you have some query so you can comment.

                  Instagram: @kiziefull



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